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Etsi lentoja kohteesta Turku kohteeseen Malaga

1 Aikuinen, Turistiluokka
Valitse päivät

Route details

3241 km
Matkan pituus

Weather now

Clear sky



Planning a trip from Turku to Malaga? Check the weather

16 Days Weather Forecast

Here’s the how the weather looks like in Malaga now:
ti, 07 toukokuu
Clear sky
5 m/s
57 %
ke, 08 toukokuu
Broken clouds
5 m/s
52 %
to, 09 toukokuu
Scattered clouds
6 m/s
37 %
pe, 10 toukokuu
Broken clouds
4 m/s
44 %
la, 11 toukokuu
Broken clouds
3 m/s
53 %
su, 12 toukokuu
Broken clouds
3 m/s
48 %
ma, 13 toukokuu
Broken clouds
4 m/s
51 %
ti, 14 toukokuu
Broken clouds
7 m/s
34 %
ke, 15 toukokuu
Few clouds
7 m/s
33 %
to, 16 toukokuu
Broken clouds
5 m/s
34 %
pe, 17 toukokuu
Broken clouds
4 m/s
42 %
la, 18 toukokuu
Broken clouds
5 m/s
41 %
su, 19 toukokuu
Few clouds
4 m/s
49 %
ma, 20 toukokuu
Broken clouds
4 m/s
55 %
ti, 21 toukokuu
6 m/s
60 %
ke, 22 toukokuu
Few clouds
5 m/s
49 %

Lentokentät kohteessa Malaga ja Turku

Kohteessa Malaga on 1 lentokenttä ja kohteessa Turku on 1 lentokenttä.
Malagan lentokenttä (AGP) - 0 km

CO2 Emission on Turku to Malaga route

Here’s a typical amount of CO2-e emissions when taking a return flight to Malaga:
989 kg989 kg989 kg
From 989 kg to 989 kg is the approximate amount of CO2 equivalents emitted on the Turku to Malaga route. The exact figure depends on the number of stops, the type of aircraft and its capacity.
49 - 49 trees
are needed to absorb those emissions (approximation, source: Climate Neutral Group)

Offset CO2-e emission on Turku to Malaga flight

To reduce your own impact from flying to Malaga, you can also compensate for the climate. This means that you sponsor projects that reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the same calculated amount that your flight emits:
Renewable Energy
Solar energy in India
Read more on KlimatKompensera

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